Mindset coaching
rewire your brain
Dissolve subconscious blocks fast.
Using the latest advancements in subconscious mind reprogramming, coaching, and counselling, each session is designed to take you out of stress, guide your system back into a state of balance, and ultimately to support you in reaching your goals.
Sally uses a holistic approach when dealing with stress and mental health issues, with a special focus on the stressors underlying chronic health issues. Having the ability to respond to stressful or threatening situations is critical for our survival, but prolonged exposure to stress has a toxic effect on the brain and body.
These sessions neutralise the stress in your life to help you regain your sense of peace, safety and calm, and to become more emotionally resilient in a supportive, safe and nurturing environment.
Sessions are available Online and In-person.
Clients have described outcomes ranging from a reduction in symptoms, improved interpersonal relationships, increased sense of ease & calm, less reactivity to original stressors and more stable and productive lives.
private + Group SESSIONS
Initial Consultation
During the initial consultation we take a look at your mental and emotional stress history, your current physical health, as well as your goals and lifestyle, and together we will develop a plan to address the issues discussed.
Private Therapy Sessions
Each session is individually tailored to release all the emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behaviour that you've been unable to let go of, often including long-held stress, trauma, misalignment and childhood conditioning.
Single sessions provide you with a short-term, flexible approach and include neuro psychotherapy, counselling and coaching techniques.
Join these small group sessions to reduce stress and anxiety, all from the comfort of your home and in the privacy of your mind. Release stressful emotions, thoughts, beliefs, events and patterns of behaviour easily and effortlessly.
The following techniques are used during sessions:
The MAP Method
BrainWorking Recursive Therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique
Natural Success Coaching
Guided Meditation
Health & Life Coaching
Each technique creates fast, effective changes to thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and in combination with coaching and counselling, these techniques are powerful tools for transformation.
MAP is #1 method to clear subconscious blocks. It’s easy, safe, gentle and super fast! Using the latest research in neuroscience, the MAP Method allows us to rewire long term memories, even the ones created in childhood, by simply training the brain to firstly find the negative unconscious memories and then neutralise the ‘unwanted’ traumas, beliefs, negative thoughts and emotions, including sabotaging patterns, within minutes.
This means that you don’t have to know, remember the origin, or understand why you even have a block. Using the guidance provided in a MAP session you can easily and safely release the inner blocks limiting you from achieving true happiness and success in life.
“Blocks” are simply memories that have led to behaviours that are not supporting you. Once the memory has been disconnected from the negative emotion, it doesn’t affect your behaviours anymore. The result is long-lasting and once you begin reacting differently to your experiences, you begin to create new memories and ‘new wiring’ which reinforces the change.
In contrast to many other modalities, MAP is gentle and relaxing. You simply close your eyes and observe your experience! You are not required to share your memories or tell your stories if you don’t want to, making it very safe and non-invasive. It’s also fast – you can measure the progress every few minutes.
You are the one in control, not the therapist or coach, your higher mind is directing the healing.
The results do not depend on the coach or therapist experience, the process works by itself It can be done from the comfort of your home and over the internet.
It can be done in groups where you don’t have to share again, you can keep your privacy and still get great results. The processing is often short.
You don’t have to remember any of the traumatic experiences, they can be healed without revisiting it all in great detail. You simply observe your mind and body shift, it feels magical and empowering to know that you can heal yourself.
The results are long-lasting. Once cleared the memories are rewired and it is permanent.
All you need to do is bring up the issue in your mind, and feel how it makes you feel. Then you relax and while bringing up the thoughts and feelings, you can simply observe any changes that happen as the coach gives an instruction to your brain to find and heal the memory.
After a few minutes, you will report the progress of what has changed in both your body, mind, and emotions. And the coach will simply find the next instruction to give to your brain.
Very simple, easy, and you don’t have to explain or give any details at all. It is completely private.
“Blocks” are simply memories that have led to behaviours that are not to your advantage. Memories can change fast, as the latest neuroscience has discovered. With the MAP Method™ we leverage this new discovery. Once the memory has been disconnected from the negative emotion, it doesn’t affect your behaviours anymore. The result is long-lasting and once you begin reacting differently to your experiences, you begin to create new memories reinforcing the change.
Before your first session, you will watch a 15 minute video to begin teaching your brain.
Then, at your first session you will have another few minutes of training for your brain. It is all done using metaphors as the brain understands pictures the best. This allows all parts of you to agree and work together.
I don’t access your mind, I simply encourage your mind to heal itself by giving it general instructions while you are in a relaxed, mindful state. I don’t give specific instructions like in hypnosis, I leave the instruction very general. For example: “SuperConscious please find the original memory and treat it….”
It is important to distinguish the different words that describe the mind and its different levels of operation.
The conscious mind, we all know what it is, thoughts and memories you are conscious of. You can remember them. This is roughly 5% of our minds.
The unconscious mind also called by many the subconscious mind. It is where all the memories, beliefs, emotions that have been recorded since your conception are stored.
The beliefs in the subconscious mind run all our daily behaviours and thoughts. This is where we operate 95% of the time.
There is a part of the mind that is not affected by the drama and trauma of your life, this part is the healer!
It is the “Innate Wisdom” of the mind, the SuperConscious mind, it is a superior aspect of the mind that has access to both the conscious and unconscious mind. We discovered that it can find any memories, and when trained, can actually neutralize/heal them on command. The SuperConscious can initiate self-healing in the mind/brain.
As a psychotherapist, Colette had trained in many cutting edge methods for 30 years or so, however, she still felt that a method that was easier, faster, gentler and more effective to reach deep into the unconscious mind was still missing…
One day she had client from France who ended up being diagnosed with bipolar, and as she was visiting, Colette wanted to help her as much as possible. She knew, however, that the methods she currently had available to her could not do it (Tapping, NLP, Matrix, etc…) so she decided to research alternative psychiatry…and found a body of work by Dr Flint that resonated profoundly with her thoughts around healing complex mental and emotional issues.
Collette contacted him and Dr Flint began mentoring her and her son. Together they ended up simplifying, systemizing, and creating a protocol that is now known as Manifesting All Possibilities, a new method that accesses every memory since conception and enables all possibilities of healing to occur easily, safely and gently.
After thousands of hours of sessions, a success rate of 99% and an increasing body of research, MAP is living up to its name of Manifesting All Possibilities in the fields of physical health, emotional and psychological health, learning, mind-set and performance.